how to make money publishing book online on amazon
The Internet has revolutionized many industries and companies.
In the publishing world, in particular, Amazon desktop publishing has leveled the playing field, allowing authors to take control and publish their work without having to go through "gatekeepers," that is, traditional publishers like Random House. (And by the way, 99 percent of the books put on the shelves by traditional publishers don't make a profit, meaning the author doesn't make a profit.)
There are several ways to post your work online ... and earn money too! But one service, in particular, has become the reference resource for authors because of the profit potential and ease of use: Amazon desktop publishing.
Regardless of your level of experience, Amazon has democratized the publishing business so that anyone with an interest and desire to write and publish a book can do so. You don't have to be a professional writer ... or have been previously published ... or have internet business experience to get started with Amazon desktop publishing. Anyone can use this platform to bring their work to the world and to the waiting public. According to Author Earnings, there were 205,538,000 e-books sold on Amazon by 20,000 unique publishers.
As the world's largest online bookstore, there is an opportunity to publish your book on Amazon and reach your target audience regardless of the subject. You can write about something you are passionate about. Fiction. Non-fiction. Biographies History. Children's books. Popular categories on Amazon include self-help, health, and fitness, cooking, hobbies, romance, travel, young adults ... the list goes on. You can bet there is an audience for almost any topic.
You may already have a theme or theme in mind. If you don't, that's fine too. In both cases, you should consult Amazon and scan all the different categories and bestseller lists. This will give you an idea of what themes or themes sell and have profit potential. If you see your idea often when doing this search, run with it. Otherwise, you may want to try a more popular topic with a built-in audience. Books that are in the top rankings or have a lot of criticism and customer feedback are signs that there is an audience for your topic on Amazon.
You can also spot "gaps" by doing your search on Amazon. This means looking for popular and trending topics in the world that are not well covered by Amazon books. You can bet there are plenty of people who would love to buy the book you produce.
Of course, for Amazon desktop publishing to create a steady income for you, you need to take a few steps. Your books will not sell themselves. Since you are the publisher, you are also the seller. You have to spread the word about your book. And you won't be a success overnight. But you can make money ... and the opportunity is growing.
One of the authors who is an example of this growing opportunity is Adam Croft, who writes and then publishes his mystery novels through Amazon desktop publishing. It started in 2011 and after publishing nine books over the years, he made $ 1.4 million in 2016.
Another key thing to keep in mind is that when you self-publish books on Amazon, you don't have to write long books that can be time-consuming and labor-intensive. You can start by writing shorter books that are very focused on a single topic and charge a lower price for those books. In fact, Amazon Kindle books priced between $ 2.99 and $ 4.99 tend to generate the most amount of sales revenue. This is good news for those who suffer from writer's block and don't feel like they have the time or the focus to publish a larger traditional book.
Types of Self-Publishing Options on Amazon
The most cost-effective and efficient way to do Amazon desktop publishing is through e-books, which allow people to download their work directly to their devices, such as the Kindle e-book reader. And Amazon has made this process easy with the Kindle Direct Publishing program, which has no fees to use, it's self-publishing with no upfront costs. (You need an Amazon account).
This program has several advantages:
- You can upload your book to the platform in just a few minutes. And your book will be on sale in a couple of days at most.
- You retain the rights to your books and can set your own prices.
- For every book sold, you can keep 70 percent of the sale price. Amazon stays with the rest.
- You can make changes to your book and upload changes at any time.
If you also want to have a printed book, you can use a feature called print on demand. This option, with paperbacks, is also available in the Kindle Direct Publishing program. You can easily convert your ebook into a printed book which is an easy way to sell more books as there are many people who still prefer physical printed books.
There are a few differences. For example, with paperback Amazon desktop publishing, you get 60 percent royalty instead of 70 percent. Plus, because it's print-on-demand, Amazon also subtracts the publishing costs from each sale.
If you're publishing a book with Amazon Kindle, you should surely go the extra step to offer a printed version of your book, too. This will increase your overall sales and profits without doing any additional work.
Once you have a good grasp of the Kindle Direct Publishing program, you can take it to the next level with the KDP Select program, which allows you to reach more readers and earn more money, although there are important guidelines to follow.
Marketing Your Amazon Self-Publishing Products
One key thing to sell your book is to create an attention-grabbing page for your Amazon desktop publishing listing. A detailed description will "turn" more casual book browsers into buyers. And, when you use keywords related to your topic, people who search Amazon or Google will see your book high in the search results. Keywords also come into play when you choose the title of your book. Most people write very short descriptions on Amazon, but you have plenty of room to write a very long description that can really sell people on the benefits of your book and why they should buy it.
Reviews are also vital to selling your book. People want to see what previous readers thought before committing to buy. So as a new author, where do you get the criticism? Send the book to people in the industry or experts on the subject covered in the book, coworkers, friends, and family ... then ask them to submit an honest review. The key here is to be diligent in following up to get feedback. Most people are extremely busy and even writing a short book review is something they are not likely to do without a little push.
You should also post it on your social networks like Facebook and Twitter. Put up a website. Create an email list. Join forums related to your book's topic and join the conversation ... and casually mention your book. Comment on blogs in the niche, with links back to your book or Amazon website.
Another option is to run ads through Amazon's AMS program. You can post ads every time someone does a keyword search on Amazon, and also show ads for your books when visitors look at other books related to your book. This is one of the most profitable ways to advertise paid for a budget book and still make a profit by doing so.
Note: This is a very powerful tool to present your book to the people who are most likely to buy it.
How You Make Money With Amazon Self-Publishing
The first step here: get your books online on the Kindle platform! And spread the word through intensive marketing. Don't be afraid to tell the world about your book.
It's also important for you to know that publishing just one book through Amazon desktop publishing will probably not generate much revenue. Self-publishers who make four figures per month, or more, have several books for sale. This gives you two important advantages.
First, this gives you more opportunities to write in a popular category and get the public's attention.
Second, one of your books is more likely to "cross-advertise" with another, do you know when the Amazon site lists other products similar to the one you just bought or have been browsing? Many people click on those links to get more information on those related products, in this case, books and also buy them.
Again, you could easily accomplish this by having two shorter books instead of a longer one on Amazon. Aim to have the goal of having at least two books on Amazon for best results. It is much easier to get someone who bought one of your books to buy a second and third book than a new buyer.
How to Create Your Book
The first step here, of course, is to write the text of your book. Some tips here:
Once you have a topic, create an outline, do your research ... then start writing. Don't put it off!
It can be difficult to think about writing an entire book. But it is not so bad once you divide it into steps. Write a little every day and before you know it, your book will be ready.
If you have already written a book, you could use it. Although you should read it before continuing. And if you write a blog or journal, you can collect those writings into a book, if applicable.
Next step: Show it to a trusted friend or family member (or even someone you know who has experience or who is interested in the topic you've written about) for feedback on the content. Depending on what they say, you can edit or modify your book.
Once you've figured out the content for your book, there are a few more steps before you can submit it for Amazon desktop publishing.
You want your book to be presentable and look good. First, you should hire a proofreader to make sure there are no typos or grammatical errors. Mistakes are a huge detour for readers. You can find affordable proofreaders on sites like If you know someone who is picky about grammar, hire him or her.
Next, you need to hire a graphic designer to create a cover (to your specifications) and design the text in book format.
For Amazon self-publishing, you must follow certain specifications that you will be given once you join the KDP program.
Great design and error-free copying, plus engaging content readers find valuable, is key to positive reviews. And those are worth their weight in gold when it comes to increasing your sales.
Next Steps for Amazon Self-Publishing Success
Find a winning theme. Write the text. Get it designed. Join the Kindle Direct Publishing program. Upload your book ... and start selling.
It is a simple process. But that's what Amazon desktop publishing is all about.
As you follow these steps, you must be careful not to spend too much time. You won't be able to make money unless your book is online and for sale. So make it as perfect as you can, then get it there.
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